Kevin Peters Bio

Kevin Peters - CEO

From his third floor office, tucked under the gables of the marine-blue, restored Victorian that The Wiseman Group calls home, Kevin Peters presides over the running of the firm. As CEO and CFO, he wears many hats: he is in charge of accounting, administration, marketing, and human resources. Managing a firm the size of TWG, with its thirty plus employees and substantial design commissions, requires a steady, trustworthy presence at the helm. Kevin provides that and more.

Kevin is a native Californian who, in spite of exposure to many wonderful locales in his travels, loves his state and will always call it home. He was born in southern California, attended college in central California, where he received a BS in Business at California Polytechnic State University, and eventually landed in northern California in the San Francisco Bay Area. In his last year of college in San Luis Obispo, Kevin had the opportunity of a lifetime to co-found a company so successful that it has become a household name: Jamba Juice.

The Jamba Juice story is important, as it demonstrates Kevin's entrepreneurial spirit and business acumen. He and a partner opened a juice bar in San Luis Obispo in 1990. The product was great, the operating system was tight, and the demand took off within the first year of business. Kevin and his partner incorporated in 1991, began franchise operations, and were soon approached by venture capitalists looking for the next Starbucks. Heady days followed, with a corporate move to San Francisco, invitations to speak to classes of business students, requests to serve as guest panelists at business seminars, write-ups in numerous magazines, and even a guest appearance by Kevin's partner on the Oprah Winfrey show. Kevin served as Vice President and, later, Director of Operations for the company.

By 2002, Jamba Juice had gone from the original store to 350 locations. Kevin realized that the tiny business he co-founded, once based out of his house and garage, had become a player in the fast food category. Seeking the opportunity to make a change from the food industry, he chose to return to a more intimate business setting and revisit his dream of being in the design business.

Working for TWG proved to be a natural fit for Kevin. He had always had an interest in the design world, even reading and collecting Architectural Digest as a teenager. Little did he know that he would one day be running a world-class design firm. Combining his business background with his interest in design was a perfect melding of Kevin's skills. Kevin's predecessor taught him the intricacies of the design world before retiring, at which time Kevin assumed the company's key leadership role.